As war rages in the Middle East with no end in sight, civilians are bearing the brunt of the suffering. In Southern Lebanon, tens of thousands of civilians have been displaced, unable to return to their homes due to the risk of shelling and unexploded munitions. According to the United Nations, over 80 thousand individuals have been displaced from South Lebanon as a result of the instability. Many farms have been abandoned devastating the livelihoods of those displaced.


In our village on the southern border of Lebanon. Due to the current war, the situation has been unpredictable threatening our daily lives and safety at any moment. We are also being threatened by the interruption of water supply due to our inability to purchase a generator to pump the water from the Artesian well to the village tank. Our existence in the village is being threatened daily and the situation has not changed. Thanks to all who have heard our plea and are willing to support us during this difficult time.

In our goal to assist those displaced to return to their homes once the security situation improves, RULA is initiating a project to install a generator at a water well in the village of Rachaya Al-Fakhar in Southern Lebanon. With the war impacting the electric grid, a generator will allow water to be pumped from the water well to water tanks serving up to 300 village residents without adequate access to running water.

Please support RULA’s efforts by donating to our fundraiser! Your contribution will go a long way in helping those displaced return to their homes.